I am on my vacation days this week. I did not travel or plan anything for it. I just decided to stay home and regroup. I think because I felt like so many changes happened in my life back-to-back. I always have advised myself and others to prepare for that one thing now, that one thing you really want. Because once it’s here you will not have the time for it, like John Wooden said “when opportunity comes, its too late to prepare”
Have you ever been face to face with that thing you have been trying to manifest? I believe I looked at some of my manifestations right in the eyes these past few months. They came in one right after the other like bang, bang, bang. Like it’s your time! Come claim the price. But I honestly felt unprepared for it, I was unprepared for it. I’m a firm believer that God uses the unqualified for His purpose. But I had to accept the fact that I slept on myself in some areas of my life. The areas of my life I knew I could excel at if I just put more time and effort.
I was faced with the career, home and even the type of relationship I have always asked for. I’m not being too hard on myself about it because I believe in divine timing. Maybe the universe wanted me to see how attainable it could be. Like it has been peeking outside my window and all I had to do is open the blinds.
I knew it was meant for me because I just felt it in my bones. This is how I dreamt it, how I have been imaging it to be. I have learned to always follow my intuition, and it kept saying ITS YOURS! Sometimes I really do believe I am going crazy because the trust that I put in my intuition is uncanny. Albert Einstein said “I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am.” Exactly, I do not know if I am right or not, but it would kill me if I believed otherwise.
But now, I am forced to have patience and work double. You did not like the spotlight? Well, you can’t be you without it. You just wanted to close yourself in your room and write your book? Nope! The world needs to see more of you. I am being obligated to step out of my comfort zone. Step into a life I felt I did not relate or wanted to relate to. But the promise God made me will not be able to come to fruition if I do not do so.
There will be times where we doubt ourselves. We start believing what others perceive us as and we mimic it. To the point that we forget our worth and the abilities we possess that we just keep pushing aside. I advise you all to always follow your intuition in everything you do. In your career, passion or relationships, it will never lead you astray. Remind yourself that even though you may seem unqualified, you are not unprepared for it when it comes knocking at your door.
"Each of you has been blessed with one of God's many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well" - Perter 4:10